All religions are brothers - Interview with ven. Master Chin Kung
All religions are brothers - Interview with ven. Master Chin Kung

What do Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus Christ and Allah have in common?
Why are there many religions in this world?
Can they be united?

Ven. Master Chin Kung successfully made all the nine major religions in the world united, and revealed that all religions are in fact brothers.

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安身立命,教学为先;创业齐家,教学为先;建国君民,教学为先;礼仪之邦,教学为先;稳定和谐,教学为先;国丰民安,教学为先;太平盛世,教学为先;长治久安,教学为先;诸佛报土,教学为先;极乐世界,教学为先。 十个教学为先是“净空老法师”为了挽救社会人心,为了传承中华文化命脉,为了世界和平,而在斯里兰卡首先提出十个教学为先。 老法师写的《教学为先》: 孝是中华文化根,敬是中华文化本。落实在孝亲尊师。中华传统文化,五伦、五常、四维、八德是也。文化是民族之灵魂,教育是文化之生机。故安身立命,教学为先;创业齐家,教学为先;建国君民,教学为先;礼仪之邦,教学为先;稳定和谐,教学为先;国丰民安,教学为先;太平盛世,教学为先;长治久安,教学为先;诸佛报土,教学为先;极乐世界,教学为先。仁义礼智信,五常、五戒。人弃常则妖兴。失道而后德,失德而后仁,失仁而后义,失义而后礼。礼,是道德最后底线,失则天下大乱。人性本善,本善即是佛性。故释迦曰:一切众生本来是佛。佛,福惠圆满具足之人也。